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♥ Our love will never be erased ♥

Daisypath Anniversary  tickers


11 of Oct ~~~ Juso day.. ^^ I was hang out with LuYi...
my best friend and my business partner... [ehhx...sha pohx...big big word best fren lehx! hahaha!! ^^]
We gone Balakong Jusco and had a happy time there ^^
That sha poh want to go Body kakakaka....
When we hang out...I'm suprising cause when we shopping...
those sales girl ask us about the contact lens that we're wearing....
only shopping one day...then we get 3 lens business...
But the kinda sad thing is....LuYi could not see his DREAM MAN...
hahahha =D
its ok la my dear... ^^ next time i accompany you go again ya ^^
I bought one new shoes...xD
I like it so much...xD ^^

written by 13 November 2008

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